Stress is much more than an emotional state that occurs by the combination of several factors that affect several areas of a person's life, and may present symptoms such as: Stomach pain, severe headaches and even migraine, loss of appetite, gastritis, among other symptoms. With that, we can already understand some of the relationships between stress and eating behavior, and that's what we're going to talk about today!
Avoiding Stress! Stress is triggered by any change that makes the individual have demands in his life, with this, this mood state is divided into 2 phases: Acute: triggered by sudden and severe traumatic experiences; Chronic: it is developed by situations that occur in everyday life, such as minor problems, and this type of stress triggers anxiety, depression, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, among others. As a result, these factors trigger more problems, especially with regard to food: some people end up discounting their nervousness in food and overdo it, and on the other hand, some cannot eat due to lack of appetite, nausea, stomach pain... stress influences eating, and food influences stress aggravation.
Stress and food! All the problems caused by stress that were mentioned above have a strong relationship with the lack of nutrients in our body. Therefore, we must pay more attention to the food consumed, opting for the right choices that will act in favor of well-being and positive feelings. Check out which are the ideal foods to provide the desired nutrients and vitamins: Nuts, almonds and chestnuts; vegetables, greens and fruits such as oranges, broccoli, lettuce; dairy products, among others.
Tips: Take it easy: try not to lose your temper easily and eat slowly. Not rushing things is key to getting rid of stress. Ideal amounts: do not eat more than necessary. We know that anxiety generates a feeling of consumption beyond what is necessary, however, you should not let yourself be shaken, try to control your wills. Drink lots of water and look for a nutritionist to better serve you and understand your needs and those of your body.