Depression is a serious and chronic illness that presents both physical and emotional symptoms , such as sadness, despondency, drowsiness and mood swings .
Amazingly, food has a very strong connection with depression, lack of appetite and excess of it, are symptoms linked to this dreaded disease. When something stressful happens, the mood fluctuates and, along with it, the appetite , causing the decrease or increase in weight, which is one of the most serious symptoms. Over the years, it has been observed that good eating habits contribute to a mental state of euphoria, of well-being.
Including lean meats, vegetables, fruits, oilseeds and cereals in the menu, which are essential foods for a good diet, also contributes to the prevention and treatment of the disease as they present beneficial nutrients and act directly in the production of Serotonin (a chemical substance that supplies the brain a sense of well-being).
Get to know some very important nutrients in preventing depression:
- Flavonoids: help and favor the production of Serotonin
It can be found in chocolate;
-Vitamin C: decreases the production of stress hormone;
It is found in citrus fruits;
-Omega 3: acts by regulating mood
Can be found in fish;
-Folic acid: natural antidepressant
It can be found in green and dark leaves.
Keep away!
When undergoing treatment for depression, the ideal is to consume moderately, or not consume , foods containing caffeine (such as coffee, soft drinks, black tea and mate) as they contribute to the person becoming more agitated and accelerated.
Just as a good diet works to cure depression, an inadequate diet can considerably worsen your symptoms. Diets poor in nutrients and that have a huge load of calories contribute considerably to the worsening of depression.