Grains, seeds and cereals are often confused, because they are similar, people do not pay attention to the nutritional differences they have and the impacts they cause on our health. Do you want to understand what makes them different? Check out:
Grains! Grains are the result of harvests, being used as raw material for the development of some products and foods or for human and animal consumption. Having a significant amount of carbohydrates, grains are essential in a balanced diet and also serve to replace meat. They are: soy, chickpeas, lentils, beans, etc.. How to consume: they can be cooked, consumed and sauced, with salads, among other options.
Seeds! The seed is the one capable of generating new plants, new foods, when it is in a suitable environment. In terms of nutrition, they have characteristics such as a good concentration of good fats that reduce blood cholesterol levels, omega 3 and fiber. They are: flaxseed, pumpkin, chia, sesame, etc. How to consume: with yogurts, fruits, juices, vitamins and salads, among other options.
Cereals! Cereals belong to the grass family, they are cultivated and altered plants to be commercialized. They have a large amount of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that provide energy for our body. They are: oats, rye, corn, barley, among others. How to consume: they can be cooked, in the form of bran and flakes, with milk, yogurt...
The consumption of these foods is essential for the proper functioning of our body and also our mind, so it is worth emphasizing the importance of consuming them frequently or daily.