The labels present in practically all products sold are very important in the lives of consumers, serving to inform what is in their composition, the labels are essential and mandatory. Containing too much information it is very common that the labels are not understood by many people... does this happen to you? Today we will explain what each part of the label means so that you understand and know how to analyze which food is best for your health! Check out: 1) Energy value: is the amount of energy, from carbohydrates, proteins and fats, contained in a portion. 2) Carbohydrates: food components that provide energy for the body's cells. 3)Proteins: are responsible for the maintenance and construction of cells and organs. 4) Total fat: refers to the sum of all fats found in the food, whether of animal or vegetable origin. 5) Saturated fat: it is a fat that comes from foods of animal origin. Its consumption should be moderate as it can result in cardiovascular disease. 6) Trans fats: this fat is found in processed foods, such as cookies, ice cream and margarine. Its consumption is not recommended, as it can pose health risks. 7) Dietary fiber: it is found in many plant foods and helps the bowel function. 8)Sodium: its main source is table salt, but it is present in highly industrialized foods as well. Other information: -The ingredients contained in the product are listed in descending order, that is, the first ingredient mentioned is the one that is found in the greatest quantity in the product and the last the one that is in the smallest quantity. -%VD: "Indicates the amount of calories and nutrients the food has in relation to an average diet of 2,000 kcal."