And for breakfast nothing better than a healthy and tasty option, right? This cookie provides satiety, flavor and a lot of satisfaction! Check out this delicious recipe:
Ingredients: 3 ripe bananas 1 cup rolled oats (if you only have whole oats at home, you can grind them in a blender and it's perfect) 1 tablespoon 50% cocoa powdered chocolate 1 tablespoon of honey 70% chocolate chips (optional)
Method of preparation: In a bowl, mash the bananas well with a fork, then mix in the chocolate and stir well. Add the rolled oats and honey and mix until everything is very homogeneous. In a greased or parchment paper-lined shape, distribute the dough in balls, or in the shape you want your cookie to be, add chocolate, chopped pecan nuts or whatever you prefer, after taking it to the oven preheated to 200 * C for 15 minutes and it's done!!